Odoo Survey Software | Odoo survey management

Surveys are important for gathering data from several sources to enhance efficiency, boost sales, save costs, and raise the service quality. Making decisions in various company sectors will be facilitated by truthful comments and survey replies from clients and staff. When it comes to marketing, using a series of well-structured questions and extremely specific comments will help you determine exactly what customers desire. Online polls are a simple method to contact them. Compared to the more traditional method of information collection through one-on-one interaction, it takes less time.

You can find out where to invest your time for the greatest return on your efforts by conducting surveys, which are the most trustworthy way to gather truthful feedback from our customers. This process was simplified compared to earlier periods using online Odoo survey software. In order to adjust your marketing strategies, the Odoo survey software efficiently directs you in gathering data on user satisfaction, expectations, and impressions of your products and services.

Assist you in Easily Creating a Survey

A user can build any type of survey using the Odoo survey module by specifying the mode they want in the survey's name. By including the appropriate questions in your survey, you can better maintain communication with the users of your goods and services. Such surveys are now simpler to create in Odoo.

Odoo survey software is useful for gathering and analyzing feedback to observe trends in customer satisfaction and the variables that affect them. The major difficulties in conducting a survey are gathering accurate feedback and turning it into useful data. With no data loss, the Odoo survey management will assist you in streamlining these operations.


You can modify each question in the Odoo survey management to get the precise kind of replies you want. Users can also include a personalized description beneath the survey's name to let customers know why it is necessary.

By choosing an appropriate question format, it is simple to modify the survey to meet your needs. In a survey, the questioning strategy is important. You won't respond if the option you choose in the survey seems less desirable or interesting. You can select the question format most suited for your survey in the survey module offered by Odoo to increase its effectiveness.

With the help of Odoo survey management, you can easily and clearly construct questions and customize the settings. For example, a user can add additional requirements to each question if necessary. Users can quickly gather comments for the questions by turning on the show comment option under the "Allow Comment" section. Your survey will seem better and stand out from the competition if you include photographs to it. It is simple to enable the time restriction option and specify the time limit if the survey will have a time limit.

Validate Survey

It's crucial to evaluate your survey before you use it to gather data to catch any potential mistakes. It will assist you in identifying unclear survey questions and flaws that could influence respondents' responses. By testing your survey, you can guarantee that it is accurate for the target audience and identify any problems that could cause confusion. Whether everyone in the survey's target audience is able to follow the instructions exactly as they are given out is a test of how accurate the instructions were.

When your survey is ready, click the "Test" button to conduct the survey's testing. Once you've answered the questions, you can submit them. The Odoo survey software gives us the option to view our responses. Before beginning the real survey, testing should be carried out to address any flaws or problems.

Sharing  Survey

There are many ways to share your survey when you've finished testing it. A link can be created in Odoo survey software with ease and posted on your website. Instead of opening numerous windows to complete surveys, respondents benefit from taking them on your website.

You can learn more about your website visitors by including surveys in them, and you can store the email addresses for further use. Using the survey URL in this module, we can send email invites to our target audience and complete the goals of Odoo survey management process.

Data Analysis

Automatic response gathering and database synchronization are features of the Odoo survey software. You can obtain the overall picture from the individual comments with the help of the advanced analysis capabilities of Odoo survey management. As soon as a response is submitted, it appears on the answer menu for us to see. Information from the responses to the consumer surveys is automatically matched with the appropriate envy in the Odoo survey software. In the form of online charts, bars, or graphs that present the most accurate data, you can select replies based on specified criteria to fit your precise needs.

Improving strategies

You can easily generalize these results after studying the data received from the Odoo survey software and altering the current policies, which will enable you to enhance your business strategy. These data can be shared with other Odoo survey management tools. It streamlines the procedure for gathering data about workers, customers, and markets while cutting expenses.

This Odoo survey software enables users to create custom questionnaires to learn what customers think of their goods and services and to determine what necessary adjustments need to be made to the business's existing plans. Having feedback automatically and instantly saved in your Odoo survey management database as respondents submit their responses helps lessen the likelihood of data loss.


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